Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Geese are flying today - Spring is coming!

I watched thousands of Canada geese making their way north today. They came in waves, looking for all the world like water bugs on the surface of the pond, their shifting V's like the wakes the water bugs make as they swim around. The sky was overcast and grey, and the geese were very high, just close enough that I could see wings flapping on some of the birds.

Spring can't be far if the geese already know to move north.

Spring rains haven't started yet, so the grass is still brown and quiet, but the ponds are losing their icy cover, and the birds are starting to visit - Robins and Red Winged Blackbirds this past weekend.

Can't wait!

Warming Up

Outside, the world is still winter. Bare trees, brown lawns, and last year's leftover, dried up foliage. Not the prettiest time of year in the garden I have to admit. I get through this time of year by remembering, dreaming, and looking at the photos I have taken of last year's gardening adventures. I'll share a few of them here with you.