Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Cleanup

Rose Leaves This weekend has been beautiful in our little corner of the planet! Although the forecast said we'd have thunderstorms, they ended up holding off and we had plenty of sunshine. Today, the temperature was up to 74 F, and we were able to get much of our spring cleanup accomplished. I noticed that my rose bush has gone from buds to leaves in the last few days!

Daffodils in bloomMy daffodils, which had been in bud last weekend, were in glorious full bloom today! My son even picked one just for me.

Canna shootsMy cannas, which curiously enough winter over here in Missouri, are starting to put up shoots.

HostaMy hostas are also up - this one has leaves, several other types are only nubs. The pink stick is just a popsicle stick colored with a marker. My 4-yr old son helped me mark all the flowers so he will know not to pick them when he helps me with the weeding.

Volunteer Hollyhock

I found a volunteer hollyhock next to the fence. I think he'll be staying - I'll have to remind Jeremy not to hit it with the string trimmer!

Peony shoots just starting to open up And, here are the peonies! Just zooming right into spring, starting to unfurl just the tiniest bit!

My fountain is running!And, lastly: I filled and started my fountain! I just love the sound of the running water coming through the open windows in the spring time. When the weather turns hot enough to force me to turn on the air conditioner, I really miss this sound. And the sound of the windchimes. Here's a close-up.

Fountain close-up

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