Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April Bloom Day

I have been absent from the blog for a couple of weeks. I suppose the freezing and raining and snowing in April just had me down. But! Waking up this morning to 45 degree weather, warming up into the 60s this afternoon really helped my mood! What a day for Bloom Day! I wasn't able to get to the Farm today (I live about 60 miles south) but Julie & Mom (GramaHoot) sent pictures so I could make one post instead of 3 separate ones. It felt so good to get outside again. It was a little on the wet side, but it was just solid enough that I didn't sink in the mud. I was able to get all my front beds weeded, and of course ~ I was able to take pictures for BLOOM DAY!

Daffodil flowers

Daffodils were in bloom today at the Farm. They started blooming at my house just before March Bloom Day, and are still blooming today.

Grape Hyacinth in bloom.

You can see the daffodils at my house in the background of the Grape Hyacinth that were open in full glory today!

Grape Hyacinth flowers around the Rooster statue.

The Grape Hyacinth were blooming at the Farm as well, and are adorable surrounding the rooster statue!

White Narcissus Blooms.

The white Narcissus blooms were sparkling today at the Farm.

Creeping Phlox at the Farm

All 3 of us had Creeping Phlox open today. This nice lavender (left) is Mom's, from the Farm.

Creeping Phlox in bloom

This paler blue Creeping Phlox (right) is mine. It's been in bloom for about 3 weeks now, and is a little muddy from all the rain that we've had this past week.

Flowering Creeping Phlox

Julie's Creeping Phlox (left) is blue as well, and seemingly unaffected by mud. Hmm... maybe my dogs had something to do with my mud splatters.

Violet flowers

While I do try to eradicate dandelions, I always leave a few violets (right) in the lawn. They remind me of my Great Grandma, whose shady side yard was full of violets all spring and summer.

Violets in bloom

Julie also has violets in her yard, and they were blooming today as well. (left) I just love the variety in violet blossoms!

Dandelion Blossoms

Now, I did say I TRY to eradicate dandelions. But, it just wouldn't be April without a few of these. Actually, I tend to be a little bit fond of dandelions. After all, they're the only flower that my children have free-reign on making into bouquets for me.

Strawberry blossom

Another 'kid-friendly' plant in my yard is the strawberry. I have strawberries in almost every flower bed in my yard. I allow my children to eat them, and it keeps them very close (out of the road) while we're working in the garden. They were VERY excited to see the blossoms on the strawberries this morning!

Unknown blue flower

Isn't this a cutie?! (right) I don't know his name, as he came to me unlabeled from an auction of a nursery that went out of business. The pretty blue flowers are each smaller than a dime, and the whole plant is maybe 3" to 4" tall. If you know his name, please speak up!

Peony Foliage

Now, this obviously isn't a bloom, (left) but we're just so excited about the peonies this year! We have several new varieties that we haven't seen bloom yet, and they're full and lush already this year. We love 'meeting' the newbies!

Vinca in bloom

Mom's pretty vinca is in bloom today. I love the soothing periwinkle color of this flower!

Red Peach tree in bloom.

Despite all the crazy weather and late freezes, the Red Peach tree came through and is in bloom today!

Red Bud tree

The Red Bud tree (right) is coming along nicely!

Lilac budded out

The lilac (left) isn't in bloom yet, but has started to bud out quite well.

Plum blossoms

Also making it through the freezes unscathed are the plum trees, whose pretty white blossoms sing out in the landscape.

Landscape with forsythia, crab apple and pear trees in bloom

This landscape shot (left) that Mom took at the Farm today shows forsythia, crabapple trees, and pear trees all in bloom.

Peach blossom close-up

A close-up of the peach blossom taken by Julie on the Farm today. I love how pretty this little blossom is!

Now that you've seen all the blooms we have here at Painted Acres Farm, feel free to leave your comments, and make sure to go visit Carol at MayDreams Gardens for much more Bloom Day fun!


  1. Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog on Bloom Day here! Love your spring beauties, doesn't this season make your heart sing? As for your question, I think my wallflower could be 'Bowles' Mauve,' and the leaves are a kind of grey-green. I guess you could count that as silvery, although the bad camera might have made it more so than your eye would. - Karen

  2. Very nice pictures of your bloom day. Thanks for visiting my blog.Happy spring, Cheers, Yvonne

  3. You have some great blooms to share today!!

  4. More of my favorite flower here, the daffodils. I see a white one, too! That's daffodils, right! The rest of other flowers are as beautiful.

  5. I love the phlox and white daffodils. Beautiful!

  6. I share your ambivalence about dandelions.
    Do you cover the peach tree? In the Wisley (UK) show orchard all the wallgrown ones were covered to prevent Peach curl.
    I enjoyed my visit.

  7. Jo ~

    The peaches don't get covered. They either survive or they don't! It's tough-love around here, hehehe.

  8. I don't mind dandelions as long as they stay out of my garden beds. After all, they have that wonderful long tap root that brings nutrients up from the subsoil. . .

    Your farm is beautiful right now.

  9. How pretty, I love the peach blossom. I leave violets too, there's just something about them I like.

  10. Your blooms are lovely! And I liked the landscape pic too!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Best Wishes
