No clay, no glitter (unless you want it), and it really does look cute!
This probably looks familiar to most of you. Yes, that's a grapevine wreath with ribbons and flowers. The FUN part is the flowers are real, and fresh! They're the flowers that my dear children bring to me on a (nearly) daily basis. A few weeks ago, I received a flower arrangement that had a couple of those tiny one-flower spike vases in it. I kept them, thinking I'd find a use for them again, and I have. Turns out that you can fit a whole mini-bouquet of the little flowers (violets, dandelions, clover, grape hyacinth) in there.
Of course, you can use them for single flowers of the larger varieties. You'll notice the 3 Dwarf Bearded Iris in there right now.
I actually went out and bought more of the handy little things. I found them at the craft store with the flower arranging stuff.
You'll notice in the picture of mine, there is a paper butterfly, a pinwheel, a few ribbons, and even a rock & shell. This has turned out to be a big hit with my kiddos, and they bring me things for the wreath constantly. My son (5 yo) brought me the rock and shell, along with a stick the other day. We put them all in, but he noticed that the stick didn't stand out very well, so he removed it from the wreath and threw it back outside. My daughter (3 yo) REALLY wanted a butterfly from outside, but I convinced her that killing a butterfly for our wreath might not be the best thing, and she agreed to helping me make one. The pinwheel was just random crafty fun for me, haha!
Along with the spike vases, I purchased a bag of floral spikes with wires on the ends. They're helpful (along with the glue gun) for getting the crafty items onto the wreath. The ribbons didn't require glue, I just used the wire on the spike and stuck them in the wreath.
This wreath changes shape & color every few days. As flowers wilt, I remove them. If several wilt and there aren't new ones ready to replace them, I'll re-arrange the remaining ones so it's somewhat even. Right now, it's only partially decorated (but I dare say artfully). I have more flowers that bloom in summer than spring, so I may be able to keep it nearly filled then. I'm sure as the seasons change, I'll grab a new color or two of ribbon to go with whatever flowers/rocks/veggies/seeds (mini gourds and acorns, anyone?) the kids find to put on it. Honestly, I've got no problem using artificial or dried plants, but I've got a feeling that as long as there's something blooming outside, my kids will make sure I don't have to.
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